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solar panels

Renewable Energy

We're leading the way in renewable energy with innovative solar projects. At Stone Zoo, our solar array supplies 95% of the Zoo’s energy needs with clean, renewable power. At Franklin Park Zoo, two Smartflower solar panel systems use advanced robotics to track the sun, generating 40% more energy than traditional systems. 

Stone Zoo Solar Array

Stone Zoo has completed a $3 million solar energy project in its parking lot, now providing 95% of the Zoo's energy needs with 100% clean, renewable solar power. This switch eliminates the equivalent of burning 700,000 pounds of coal annually—comparable to planting 800 acres of trees!


Smartflower Solar Panel Systems

Renewable energy is in full bloom at Franklin Park Zoo! Guests will see renewable energy in motion as two Smartflower solar panel systems harness the sun’s energy to generate sustainable energy for the Zoo.

Our 16-by-16-foot Smartflowers model actual sunflowers both in form and function. Using advanced robotics and automation, the unit’s 12 “petals” freely track and follow the sun so they’re always at an optimal angle. Each day at sunset, the Smartflower automatically folds up and cleans itself using brushes on the back of each panel to remove contaminates like dust or snow. These smart designs increase the unit’s efficiency and enable the system to generate 40 percent more energy than a traditional system.

Our Smartflowers generate approximately 5,000 kilowatts of electricity annually, enough to generate the majority of the energy needed annually to power the Zoo’s carousel.